Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Put it on the Board!

Whether Hilary Clinton wants to admit it or not, this thing is over:
Barack Obama effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday after a grueling marathon, based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates, becoming the first black candidate ever to lead his party into a fall campaign for the White House...

The tally was based on public declarations from delegates as well as from another 15 who have confirmed their intentions to the AP. It also included 11 delegates Obama was guaranteed as long as he gained 30 percent of the vote in South Dakota and Montana later in the day. It takes 2,118 delegates to clinch the nomination.
We obviously have a fascinating several months ahead of us, but if you somehow haven't realized it yet, you're witnessing history being made. And while pundits can point to limitless aspects of the importance of this contest, I still think that the greatest upside has been the untold number of previously disinterested Americans that have now engaged themselves in the process. A victory for all of us.


At June 7, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the power of the Machine to produce another underqualified candidate. I guess since the governor didn't work out wellin the quest to become the presidential candidate from Illinois, let's go on to another good-looking, slick talking newbie.
Will someone who is highly qualified to run this country please stand up?

At June 10, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey John--if Rep. Emmanuel is going to run for Senator Obama's seat, who will take over for Emmanuel?

At June 12, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dispairing thing about this race is that all the major candidates lied through their teeth (see John Dickerson in Slate today (June 12), but it doesn't take an expert to know that with a half trillion dollar deficit and an economy in recession and/or slowdown Obama won't do more than a soupcon of his proposed programs and McCain won't make much of a dent in the budget deficit).

And our elected representatives know this -- but rather than serve the public by telling hard truths they cheerlead. There's no Paul Tsongas, Ross Perot, or Bill Bradley in this race. The last time anyone followed their advice was 1993 and it led to a political bloodbath for Congressional Democrats (while doing wonders for the economy).

You see the same thing on human rights: I tried to engage a conversation here on Senator Obama's record on Darfur -- not the one laid out on his webpage but his real one. Nope -- we can talk endlessly about the politics but an issue like genocide (officially declared by Congress) can't get a word in edgewise. As I said before, to quote Chicago legend Curtis Mayfield, if there's hell below, we're all going to go.


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